Piaggio Fast Forward's Gita
Gita is an intelligent, robotic vehicle that extends a person's cargo-carrying abilities.
Piaggio Fast Forward (PFF) is pioneering the intelligent movement of people and goods. PFF’s motto is “autonomy for humans” which means autonomy in the service of humans as well as greater freedom, pleasure, and efficiency in movement. While others seek to replace human beings by developing autonomous machines, PFF vehicles like Gita are designed to enhance and expand human capabilities whether at work or at play. They are at once practical and fun, functional and beautiful. PFF’s first product is Gita: a smart, nimble, cargo vehicle designed and engineered with the same attention to safety, braking, balancing, vehicle dynamics and performance that you would expect of a motorcycle or car. Gita is designed to match the full range of human mobility, with speeds that extend from a crawl to a sprint and a zero turning radius. It operates inside and out, on sidewalks and streets, just like a person. Gita is the first in a portfolio of PFF vehicles that are in development.