Learning Marathon
A Learning Marathon is an affordable, flexible peer-to-peer lifelong learning service.
The Learning Marathon addresses the lack affordable and compelling solutions that allow adults to integrate learning alongside work. In the UK (but not exclusively) this means we underperform on skills development, not to mention wellbeing and mental health. Public funding for adult education has been slashed by over a third since 2010 - despite discourse surrounding the increasing need for continual re-skilling in response to rapid changes to the workplace. This hits those without access to resources the hardest, driving inequality. The Learning Marathon solution allows peer groups to form and learn affordably through peer to peer exchange and self-led learning. This format means the service has potential to serve a really wide range of users of different ages, careers and backgrounds. Each peer group has a ‘learning organiser’ who brings the group of peers together which means the idea could scale to multiple locations but maintain local specificity and match groups effectively.