A digital library that truly breaks cultural barriers by making culture available to everyone.
In the last decade, the way we access information on a day-to-day basis has dramatically changed. Items such as books, music and pictures have ceased to be tangible objects to become files existing on the web or in the cloud. With the Internet of Things now a reality, and the presence of devices increasing in our lives, a revolution in information storage is required. Athena is much more than just an ordinary bookshelf. Thanks to a computer the size of a credit card connected to a hard drive, Athena will manage all your digital items, categorizing them automatically. Athena also champions connectivity with external devices, so that you can have your entire digital world at your fingertips. Just connect via wi-fi your devices and you are ready to enjoy the content of your Athena library whilst charging your personal device. Athena is preloaded with over 40,000 free e-books from Project Gutenberg. Athena breaks cultural barriers by making culture available to everyone.