Fetal Heart-Rate Monitor
A 'wear it home' system for longer-term fetal heart-rate monitoring during normal activity to improve detection of fetal distress and other dangerous prenatal conditions. A garment fitted with ECG sensors is provided by the physician and worn by the expectant mother to record fetal and maternal heart-rate throughout a full day of normal activity. The benefits of a remote monitoring FHRV system are the ability to acquire a longer-term stream of maternal and fetal heart-rate data in normal (non-clinical) conditions. The extended acquisition period augments the physician’s ability to catch symptoms fetal distress that may be intermittent and not picked up in a traditional 10-minute in-clinic assessment. Additionally, it may be possible to leverage other data streams from the reporting period such as location, movement activity, and noise levels, in order to identify environmental factors that may be impacting the fetus’s well-being.