Awa Safe
A device to harvest atmospheric water using thermoelectric cooling.
The focus of the Awa Safe technology is to address the WASH needs of vulnerable communities with a device that can easily harvest atmospheric water using thermoelectric cooling. The Awa Safe assembly consists of a water reservoir, a solar powered fan and temperature sensor, heat and cold radiators, insulation, a rechargeable battery and a Peltier cell. Flexible solar panels are located on the pouch straps and provide power to the battery for the system to run. The solar powered fan is the primary air intake, located on the top of the Awa Safe pouch, is responsible for pulling outside air into the system. Air with water content introduced into the system flows through the cold radiator. As the air moves into the heat radiator, the water in the air is extracted one drop at a time into a water reservoir. The air, now dry, exits the system from an exhaust vent. This cycle is repeated continuously.