Locally assembled LED lanterns shine 'good light' to many lives in rural Kenya
As a child who grew up in Chumvi, a village about two southeast of Nairobi in Kenya, Evans Wadongo struggled to study by the dim, smoky light of a kerosene lantern that he shared with his four older brothers. His eyes were irritated, and he often was unable to finish his homework. However, he was not among the many students who failed to complete their education and remained poor because they did not have good light. Later, as a student at the Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology, he happened to see lights made from LED and decided to take them to small villages like his, but the LED lanterns would cost more than many could afford. So he uses donations to provide initial batches of lamps to villages and the standard pieces of the lanterns are assembled in local workshops, creating jobs for many. Once the residents use these lanterns, they see its value and how much money they could save on kerosene, and actually start saving money.