The world's first portable gluten sensor
Trying to avoid gluten for medical or personal reasons? Nima can help. This little device detects even trace amount of gluten in minutes. Just stick a bit of a french fry or salad dressing into one of Nima’s capsule’s and wait about three minutes for the device to return the results. It’s that easy. Nima can test foods ranging from soups and sauces to fried items and baked goods. The cost comes from the price of the capsules. They only work one time and a 12 pack costs $72.95. The company offers discounts through monthly subscriptions. Buyers can opt for 24 a month at a 20% discount, though it’s $116.94 a month. But for the right person, that’s a small price to pay to not have to worry. The company says it’s working on other capsule designs including versions that can test for dairy and nuts.