Autism and beyond
This eye-tracking app could speed-up autism detection.
Autism & Beyond is a groundbreaking new study of childhood mental health powered by Apple’s ResearchKit. The study aims to test new video technology that can analyze a child’s emotion and behavior. We hope that this technology may one day be used to screen young children in their homes for autism and mental health challenges, such as anxiety or tantrums. We want parents to have tools that will help them understand their children and find help if they need it. Autism&Beyond group created an app that can screen children. It is made up of videos that provoke stimuli. As the kid watches, the device's camera analyses the reaction. The app gauges if the child's response is in line with ?a regular pattern. One goal is early diagnosis: autism can be identified at 18 months of age, yet the average age of detection is four. The data collected from screening more than 2,000 children could also help identify symptoms.