The Nutrisea kit
A simple and effective kit for communities to transform Sargassum Seaweed, into a nutritious powder
The Nutrisea kit is a simple and effective kit for communities to transform a coastal waste, Sargassum Seaweed, into a nutritious powder. The powder form is non-perishable and can be distributed inland, helping to alleviate micronutrient deficiency worldwide. Large quantities of sargassum seaweed are consistently washed ashore in all tropical regions around the world. Many governments spend millions of dollars just to remove the seaweed from the coastlines, for subsequent incineration - what a waste! why not use one problem to solve the other! Through further research, we found that the seaweed is a superfood packed with nutrients.We then began our journey designing the Nutrisea Kit. Each kit consists of 12 multi-purpose cages and one solar dehydrator. The multipurpose cages integrate all processes of washing, drying and grating. First, the wet seaweed is placed inside the cage, where water is run through it to remove sediments. It is then placed in the solar dehydrator for 10 hours