The one-hand only kitchenware: a range of utensils to aid those with disabilities in the kitchen.
Oneware is a sink necessity that is designed specifically for those who only have one functioning arm. These people are often faced with issues interacting with daily objects especially dealing with household chores. Oneware is a series of modular units that aids them in various kitchen processes from food preparation to dish washing. A lack of support to hold things down is one of the most common issues faced by them. This unit consists of a chopping board designed with structures that enable help them to hold the food in place while preparing for their meals. Washing of dishes for them was never easy. Plates and bowls tend to wobble around due to the contours at the back which led to much frustration when performing the task and inability to wash thoroughly. This unit is designed with a silicone grip to hold the dishes in place as they exert their strength on scrubbing the dishes clean without worrying.