Pastello Draw Act
Kids Space based on the re-imagination of drawing tools and processes.
Pastello is an interactive gallery that turns the act of drawing with crayons into a full-body exercise. There are three rooms, with walls and tables covered in huge sheets of paper. But instead of 96-count boxes of Crayolas, the Mathery team stocked the exhibit with wildly reinvented versions of crayons. In Pastello, there are cutlery settings covered with globs of crayon, beach ball-sized spherical crayons, and wall-adjacent pendulums with crayon balls attached to the ends. Some are even wearable: Kids can strap on roller blades with wheels made out of crayons, and can put on helmets with crayon nubs protruding outwards. Other crayons are actually stationary blocks of color, where kids can rub pieces of paper against them to make colorful souvenirs.