Melos builds creative confidence by helping first-time musicians play any standard music keyboard.
Melos lowers the barrier to musical expression because everyone should experience the life-changing joy of creating something beautiful. Melos supports you in musical improvisation and teaches you basic music theory intuitively through visual feedback. What was once the privilege of professional musicians is now possible for everyone by simply picking any musical key and starting to play. The colored lights of the Melos modules highlight all the notes in that key’s scale, giving the player the confidence that no matter which of these notes they play, they will always sound good together. Most people try out a piano once in their lives, and when their attempts sound dissonant, they never try again. The barriers to making music are so high that it takes years of practice to be able to improvise and create music in more than just the few easiest musical keys. Melos makes the first experience of creating music successful, such that more people may become musicians.