ShareTheMeal is the first app fighting global hunger, from the United Nations World Food Programme.
Problem: Hunger and malnutrition are the number one risk to health worldwide - greater than AIDS, malaria and tuberculosis combined. 795m people in the world are suffering from hunger, with children being particularly affected - 45% of children deaths are caused by malnourishment. Solution: ShareTheMeal is the first crowd funding app to end hunger. It pioneers the concept of micro-donations and it makes fundraising social, mobile and transparent. The idea is simple: with only USD 0.50 and a tap, smartphone users can feed a hungry child for a full day; users can easily see where the children are and monitor the progress being made collectively towards a specific fundraising goal. Potential: Hunger is world's greatest solvable problem. Just think that it is just a matter of time until we will have reached a “zero hunger” world. Knowing that there are 20 times more smartphone users than hungry children in the world, makes ShareTheMeal particularly fit to accelerate this fight.