edible coffee cups
Serving coffee in sweet, edible cups.
Dubbed the "Scoff-ee Cup," KFC worked with food designers at The Robin Collective to construct a cup shaped from a thin lattice of KFC Original Recipe fried chicken wafer, coated in sugar paper and lined with a slow-melting white chocolate. The chocolate gradually infuses the coffee with a creamy sweetness, while the wafer eventually softens like a dunked biscotti or, as I imagine, the creamy tip of an ice cream cone. Furthermore, the cups can waft aromas at the drinker—aromas you wouldn't normally associate with coffee—like fresh cut grass or wildflowers. Presumably, the cup won’t simply dissolve into a literal hot mess during a morning commute, but KFC is still moving ahead cautiously, testing the packaging in a limited release for the launch of Seattle’s Best coffee in their Britain-based stores.