what3words is a universal addressing system based on a 3mx3m global grid.
what3words is an online service that divides the entire planet into three-meter squares and tags each with three familiar words. The world is poorly addressed. This is frustrating and costly in developed nations; and in developing nations this is life-threatening and growth limiting. what3words is a unique combination of just 3 words that identifies a 3mx3m square, anywhere on the planet. It’s far more accurate than a postal address and it’s much easier to remember, use and share than a set of coordinates. Better addressing improves customer experience, delivers business efficiencies, drives growth and helps the social & economic development of countries. what3words is a universal addressing system based on a 3mx3m global grid. Each of the 57 trillion 3mx3m squares in the world has been pre-allocated a fixed & unique 3 word address. What3words geocoder turns geographic coordinates into these 3 word addresses & vice-versa.