Urban kitchens saving space
A new concept from Future Facility—a speculative think tank within the design firm Industrial Facility, which has created products for Muji and Herman Miller—questions this approach to building kitchens entirely. They’ve created an idea called the KIT. It’s an urban kitchen you build up from the appliances first instead of last. And that allows for both a DIY flexibility, and a level of smart appliance networking, the world has never seen before. The KIT was inspired by the way our kitchens are changing. As Kim Colin, cofounder of Industrial Facility explains, the kitchens have been shrinking. While kitchens are designed open to the home, they are 13% smaller than in the 1960s, and urban developments especially are increasingly configured around people cooking or just heating up simple, prepackaged meals from companies like Blue Apron. All of its appliances, including the refrigerator, sit on the floor and only extend to waist-height.