SpeediCath Compact Eve
Eve possesses superior function but also considers emotional aspects to reduce stigma and taboo
The woman before the product By listening to the emotional needs of women, Eve is taking female catheters to a new level, by combining function with an aesthetic design inspired by female lifestyle products such as cosmetics. The aim is to make the catheter not just non-medical but stylish and intuitive to use. Our aim with the design is to break down the emotional barriers of using a catheter. We aim to help the woman cope better with their medical condition or disease in order to make life as normal as possible despite their situation in order for it to take up as little time worry as possible. It opens with a single twist and the build-in ‘proof of seal’ ensures the user the product is unused and safe. When opened the integrated urine bag connector appears. It’s re-closable for a discreet disposal. The triangular shape ensures easy handling, an ergonomic grip and a stable placement. Feedback from female user: ”The new catheter makes me feel more like a woman”, Monika, 48, DE