We award, teach and invest in design for a better future, what we call Design to Improve Life.
Meet our Index Award 2021 winners
Meet our Index Award 2021 winners
The Index Award biennale — often referred to as the 'Nobel Prize of Design' celebrates the world's most impactful and iconic designs. From tiny tools that diagnose disease to environmental moonshots saving our most vulnerable ecosystems.
Our first home on the moon
Restoring truth and trust online
Algorithmic Justice League
Shifting societies with an accountable AI
Growing the world of tomorrow with mycelium
The next sexual revolution is hormone-free
Flash Forest
Saving our collective home, 100,000 trees at a time
We've gone beyond award giving to investing
Find out how we work as a connector between game-changing solutions and purposeful capital
Each award cycle we receive hundreds, sometimes thousands, of nominations, which are boiled down to just five winners. While we believe it's important to celebrate the best, we don't believe impact should stop there. Get to know how we invest in ground-breaking solutions from The Index Award pipeline.
Dive into our community: the latest news, opinions, events and more
Meet the 2023 Diseño Responde winners!
Latin America youth tackle sustainable design
🔍 Case Study: Datapult
How do you use technology in highly regulated areas?
🖊 Blog: Filmmaking for impact
Documenting "pragmatic idealists" and their vision for a better world
Join the Design to Improve Life (DtIL) movement
Learn how to solve real-world problems with our certified methodology and design thinking tools
Facilitaded by our DtIL experts, we offer workshops for educators and business professionals, both on- and offline. Whether you're looking for a quick sparring session or a deep dive into design thinking, we've got you covered. Learn more.