Sana Labs
Leaving one-size-fits-all learning behind

What’s the design in a nutshell?
Sana Labs is an AI-based learning platform focusing on eliminating one-size-fits-all training models for professionals and instead provide personalised and adaptive learning. Through multiple machine methods such as learning paths, tailored recommendations and detailed data on journeys, Sana aims to optimise the learning experience for each individual in a collective workforce.

Why is it needed? 
In schools, in universities and in corporate contexts, there’s not much manpower, money or methods to personalise education. But standardised learning, which has no way of catering to the individual struggles, not only leaves some willing students behind, but also takes away from their ability, and needs, to upskill.

According to the World Economic Forum, more than one billion people need to be reskilled by 2030 as 42% of core skills are expected to change. This is due to the fact that more than one-third of all jobs worldwide are likely to be transformed by technology within the next decade. 

Teaching 1 billion people new ways of working screams for a more adaptable, flexible and engaging way of learning right now. Que, Swedish start-up Sana Labs.

How does it work?
Sana Labs built their platform on the idea that learning should be an ongoing process of discovering the new and further developing the old. Sana as a learning assistant creates a fully immersive experience for their clients’ employees using AI, machine learning tools and best education practices.

Through screen interfaces, it’s intended to mimic a one-on-one tutor, who can fast-forward when users understand something and dwell at the more complex stuff. It even reminds users, when they’re about to forget newly acquired knowledge and quickly answers questions they might ask colleagues.

On the other end, employers get access to large amounts of data on how their co-workers are responding to the education experience, common skill gaps within the group and how to elevate or further skill sets.

"According to Sana, 98% learn better on their platform."

How does it improve life?
Not only does Sana please our natural eagerness to grow and learn in an innovative way, but it’s documented to help strengthen our workforces.

In 2020, healthcare workers were trained through Sana Labs to upscale their existing knowledge and get quickly educated on the critical new. To date, Sana along with Mt Sinai Health System and Karolinska Institutet trained over 80,000 healthcare professionals in more than 2,000 hospitals across 80 countries.

What’s the impact to date or projected impact?
According to Sana, 98% learn better on their platform, as it helps people learn two times faster, remember three times longer and remains an active learner. They have clients within healthcare, consumer and lifestyle goods, life sciences and financial services such as PepsiCo, Amgen and Novartis. In January 2021, they announced raising €14.8 million in funding to further their work and help to upskill their solution for remote work.