An internet exchange portal concept enabling everyone to give knowledge/services/goods to global community and get something in return

It could intensify global exchange without using money. Such virtual sharing market with simple rule "give to get" could resolve growing unemployment issues and everyday stress from people who are working at jobs they don't like.

Functionality and use of design
Web service functions in a form of exchange portal with unique grading and sorting procedures which help easy and fair account transactions. Easy to use user interface helps visitors to quickly find desired information and to fulfill their needs.

How did this design improve life?
This concept was inspired by intelligent functionality of LETS (Local Exchange Trading System) communities. According to internet resource’s (http://www.cyberclass.net/turmel/urlsnat.htm) there are over 2700 communities at 57 counties with more than 400 million members worldwide. The main goal of (re)pay concept is to create a stable global internet exchange platform for all current members of LETS communities as well as for new members who could easily join online regardless of the place they live in.

LETS functionality
LETS is a system of exchange that works without using conventional money. The „value“ is created at the moment of exchange and is defined by agreement of both sides which are involved in exchange (there are no fixed prices). The value that was exchanged changes the status of giver and receiver, "giver" gets + points, "receiver" the same amount of - points. Each member, according to the number of points on his/her account chooses needed from the list of offers. By entering LETS all participants agree to obey system rules which determine maximum and minimum number of points that one can have. By exceeding this amount one loses the right to increase + or - value and is "forced" to balance point status. That is in order to keep the system in balance. The intrinsic value of the system is that it excludes the possibility of getting rich by exploiting others. Ideal state of the system is 0 points (read more online at: www.gmlets.u-net.com and www.lets-linkup.com).

(RE)PAY concept functionality

  • DATABASE DRIVEN SYSTEM which is member based - each member has unique ID
  • Choice of LOCAL OR GLOBAL COMMUNITY EXCHANGE, choice of language and category of interest and easy to use search engine
  • EASY TO JOIN, and easy to configure password protected user account settings with list of offs/needs, contact information, list of friends etc.
  • Each MEMBER HAS UNIQUE STATUS, it is shown as star rating - it depends on quality of service that was graded by receiver at the moment of email "payment" confirmationreceiver can put comments about quality of service that was received
  • Each member STATUS IS CLEARLY VISIBLE TO ALL MEMBERS at all times, it is visibe in the list of offers-needs, this motivates the members for high quality sincere service
  • ONLINE PAYMENT THROUGH AUTOMATED EMAIL "bill" sending and confirmation from both sides - orders and transactions are automatically communicated through (re)pay email service
  • Option TELL A FRIEND speeds the spreading of global network
  • GLOBAL AND LOCAL STATISTICS of members-offers-needs gives users clear insight in the status of the "market" - it can be useful for year reports that can be easily generated and made available to public on the global and local homepage

(RE)PAY concept benefits

  • GLOBAL EXCHANGE of knowledge/services/goods
  • BROAD SPECTRUM OF OFFERS/NEEDS - easy to find what you need
  • SYSTEM TRANSPARENCY - each member status is clearly visible, it helps strangers who meet online for the first time to get confidence and get to know each other, and motivates the members to work the best they can
  • NON-CENTRALIZED SYSTEM - everything is going on by the set of rules that are automatically carried by the server, nobody is manipulating the system for personal benefits
  • FAIRNESS - rules are simple and clearly set, everybody has equal rights - UNIQUE "CURRENCY" - the point value should be set in relation to stable currency (Euro)
  • EXCHANGE opens new level of communication between REAL PEOPLE in a VIRTUAL SPACE.
  • People become interconnected by these needs, lifestyle and personal preferences.
  • EASY GROWTH - system can easily grow because new members are added instantly - BALANCE - system would be balanced because large number of participants is a guarantee for a STABLE SYSTEM
  • AVAILABILTY - people who are not able to participate in local exchange of goods can participate only on global level in sharing knowledge and related services
  • UNEMPLOYED OR RETIRED people can OFFER AND GET something in return for the things they love to do - work satisfaction is one of the main merits of personal hapiness
  • SHIFT IN ECONOMY PARADIGM - everybody gets to see that fair system in which everybody is useful can bring benefits to all humanity

Current exchange systems are functioning only on local levels. That means that the number of participants is limited to the local area. Limited (small) number of members inside the system makes it unstable.

Constant growth of internet users and worldwide availability made it possible for (re)pay concept to come to life. It opens the door for global exchange of knowledge/services/goods and interconnects millions of people currently involved in local exchange with additional easy to join procedure for new members.

Decentralized, transparent, fair, searchable and easy to use online system becomes GETS (Global Exchange Trading System). Following the age old principle of action: "as you sow, so shall you reep", it has the perspective to support ideals of global economy where there is no rich, privileged or favored individuals.


Drawbacks of life improvement
Even though the internet is becoming more and more available worldwide there are still many people who don't use it in their everyday life. The problem of computer illiteracy is obstacle for people in older population.

Research and need
Local LETS - Observing the problems related to startup of local LETS community in my hometown showed that in order for exchange to happen somebody has to administer the in/out transactions within the system. Global internet tool would greatly help in setting up local exchange communities and extending them with new members through automatic email „tell a friend“ option.

Internet research - Investigating major LETS websites helped me to get broad picture on system principles and situation in the world today (www.gmlets.u-net.com, www.lets-linkup.com, http://www.cyberclass.net/turmel/urlsnat.htm)

As a designer involved in multimedia and web for number of years it seemed logical to start establishing (re)pay > global online exchange portal.

Designed by
Neven Kovacic & Arian Sibila (Cyper Space)