Pe.Pe. Ecotransformer
Pe.Pe Ecotrasformer is a system designed to enhance municipal solid waste thanks to the pyrolysis.
Pe.Pe Ecotrasformer is a system designed to enhance municipal solid waste thanks to the pyrolysis process. It represents a new concept to transform waste directly to the place where they are produced: urban settlements with high/medium/low population density, public and private communities, civil protection, humanitarian missions, and other contexts. It can be positioned in place of a normal bin for mixed waste, and produces electrical energy directly on site using a patented system pyrolysis capable of decreasing by 90% the mass of material to be deleted. The project is the result of a partnership with several companies: IES - Ltd. Electronic Engineering Systems, Costec, FCE - Flati Electromechanical Constructions, ISIA of Rome and the Research Centre ISIDE of Rome. Pe.Pe is patented and in prototyping stage, thanks to FILAS financing. Another partner interested in participating in the management of the service is Poste Italiane, the biggest Italian postal service.