Let's Talk
A toolkit for groups to get involved with communication culture in a anti-hierarchical way.
How does it work?
Let's talk helps groups to deal with the culture of communication in a hierarchy-critical way. There are several tools in the toolkit, most of them deal with the topic in a playful and positive way. It is also like game collection. There is an anti-hierarchical pursuit game, a behavior bingo, a zine with background information, a game/workshop and a first aid kit for discriminatory emergencies. The toolkit is designed to be an impulse to look at one's own privileges and to understand social structures. It can provide a framework for exchanging ideas about the culture of conversation in a group, formulating wishes and agreeing on rules. It can help to create new habits. It takes up and connects: Learning, Reflecting, Acting. A group decides as a whole to deal with the topic and then plays the game/workshop together in which they agree on three communication rules that they want to establish in their group. The other elements remain in the room to be discovered and as a reminder.
Why is it needed?
In the structure of our society, there are different levels at which people are privileged or at which they experience discrimination - there are hierarchies. People can be privileged or discriminated against because of their skin colour, sexuality, religion, or because they are male, female, transgender or non-binary, able-bodied or not. Language is a powerful tool to maintain these structures and an even more powerful tool to change them. Language conditions how we perceive the world. We can only talk about what we have words for. So we need to learn and talk about the ways we talk to each other. We need to learn about the mechanisms that come from this discriminatory system we all live in. So that we can change them and change the system, reduce hierarchies and be nice to each other.
How does it improve life?
This toolkit is the result of an examination of speaking behaviour and conversation culture from an anti-hierarchical perspective. But we don't just want to talk about it, we want to take action. Let's talk helps to change the way we talk in a group and to start a discussion about privilege and equal speaking. The toolkit is for groups that decide to go into the process together. By learning about different perspectives and experiences, by learning about the mechanisms in our groups, by learning about how language conditions our perception of the world, we become aware of how we interact with each other. We learn new habits of communication that will change our perception of the world. And which will help us to treat the people around us in a better way. The toolkit exists in german and in english.