help any business that uses an algorithm to make high-stakes decisions about people’s lives.
How does it work?
FairPlay is the world’s first Fairness-as-a-Service™ company offering products that use advanced AI fairness techniques to reduce algorithmic bias for people of color, women, and other historically disadvantaged groups. Each day, decisions like whether we get a loan, a job interview, or even a kidney transplant are being made by algorithms. And many of these algorithms are perpetuating or even worsening the discrimination of the past. FairPlay's mission is to build Fairness Infrastructure for the Internet, so that any company using an algorithm to make high-stakes decisions about people's lives can ensure that those decisions are made fairly.
Why is it needed?
Because fairness is good for people, profits and progress.
How does it improve life?
The solution helps any business that uses an algorithm to make high-stakes decisions about people’s lives. You can use the solution to test software to confirm that our models don't inadvertently reflect bias.