We provide holistic services to farmers at their farm-gate
How does it work?
GramHeet Mandi App is a farmer-friendly digital platform that facilitates the services of GramHeet. We collaborate with Community Based Organizations (CBOs), Farmer Producer Organizations (FPOs) and Village Entrepreneurs (VEs) to deliver these services at their farm-gate. This integrated model not only helps farmers in increasing their income by reducing post-harvest expenses, but also offers better prices for their produce.
Why is it needed?
Having understood the complexity of agrarian distress, we have come up with a holistic model which provides end-to-end post-harvest services to farmers through a digital platform—GramHeet Mandi. It not only just offers better prices to farmers but also makes it convenient for them to sell their produce.
How does it improve life?
GramHeet is an amalgamation of two vernacular Marathi words—‘Gram’ and ‘Heet’ which translates into ‘prosperity of the village’. We, at GramHeet, espouse this through the ‘farmers first’ approach. This stems from the fact that both our co-founders themselves come from farming families in a small village called Warud in the Yavatmal district of Maharashtra, whose lived experience of agrarian distress propelled them to build this organisation.