Empowering & equipping family caregivers with the resources they need and deserve
How does it work?
Practical & emotional support for caregivers in 3 easy steps. 1. Invite your team & keep them updated: Easily invite your people to a private group to coordinate help and post updates. 2. Request & receive support: Get the practical support you need without feeling like a burden. Share help requests, assign specific tasks, and keep track of your care calendar. 3. Access resources personalized for your caregiving journey ianacare connects your employee benefits, local resources, and expert content all in one place! Connect with a Caregiver Navigator who can help you create a sustainable support system.
Why is it needed?
There are more than 50 million caregivers in the US and they are the backbone of our society and health care system. Over 90% of care happens in the home, not in the hospital. Family caregivers take on incredible responsibilities in supporting the everyday needs of their loved one. Their incredible act of support saves the healthcare system $470 billion every year. Yet, this incredible act is still so hidden and unrecognized in our society.
How does it improve life?
Our mission is to encourage, empower, and equip family caregivers with practical tools and supportive communities, so no caregiver does this alone. We advocate for systemic changes while creating tangible support and tools today. Our hope is to shape generations to love and care for one another with humanity and dignity, especially during life’s most vulnerable moments. And we won’t stop until the 54 million family caregivers nationwide are embraced with the love and support they deserve. We are a passionate team of caregivers, supporters, and medical professionals. Our perspective continues to be shaped from all angles of this complex journey. We believe that caregiving in itself is not a problem to be fixed. In fact, we know first-hand that it is one of the most honorable acts of love. We recognize the problem as a lack of support and practical resources for those who are thrust into the role of caregiver. Join us by spreading the word!