A holistic charging solution for all electric vehicles
How does it work?
A holistic charging solution for all electric vehicles – commercial or private, light or heavy, autonomous or not, to use while driving or parked. The system can be used to build charging infrastructure such as electric roads, charging stations and opportunity chargers at stops and loading bays. We provide the necessary next steps to electrify the future of transportation in a sustainable way! Elonroad’s concept involves a conductive rail laid on top of the road. It has inclined sides to make it smooth when changing lanes. All vehicles will have batteries that will supply energy for driving on non-electric roads. The electric road is a charging infrastructure placed on major roads and highways. The rail is built in intervals. Batteries take over automatically at exits and roundabouts.
Why is it needed?
Reduced battery size will help drive the shift to electric transports and help us reach the goal of slowing down climate change. The software will analyze and communicate potential hazards like slippery roads and accidents to contribute to safer road conditions.
How does it improve life?
The Elonroad electric road system works for all electric vehicles – cars, taxis, buses and trucks – regardless of manufacturer. Cars are especially important since they account for 60% of the transport CO2 emissions. Install our rail directly on top of the asphalt, or, if you prefer, integrate it in the road. Our method reduces installation time and facilitates ease of service and maintenance. The rails are also built to handle rough climates.