Focus Ex
A digital reading tool that helps people with ADHD access written online content more easily.
How does it work?
It is a browser extension that filters out distractions, breaks down texts and changes the font style to a personalised setting. These adjustments help with the user's focus and understanding of the content. Focus Ex not only helps the user with its visual attributes but it can easily turn into an interactive activity. With this effect the words are seen through a magnifying glass that highlights the individual words while reading and raises the level of memorization of the content. It generates more attention to the words and keeps the user focused. It also has a function that filters out distracting pictures and videos with a single click. Also, it has a feature that reminds the user of their reading time that can be motivating and useful for people with ADHD in their hyperfocus state. It can be turned on and off easily. At the moment it is designed for desktop and mobile use.
Why is it needed?
For people with attention deficit, the process of learning to read or reading requires special stimuli and variable moving letters are designed to make this challenge easier.
How does it improve life?
The different parts of this tool are the result of a one-year-long research. The functions have been developed after understanding the phenomenon of ADHD and learning about its effects on reading quality. Its strength lies in the customizable typeface that was created specifically for this project. It helps neurodivergent people focus, filter and memorise information while enhancing the experience of digital reading.