Navigation device fo inclusivity and accessibility
How does it work?
Waymap emerged from experimentation in audio navigation in the UK by the Royal Society for Blind Children, alongside breakthrough advancements in indoor location technology. Today, Waymap is the world’s only navigation app that guides everyone and especially blind and low-vision people both indoors and outdoors. Accurate up to 1m, with no signals required. With the app on users' phones, they can explore the city, catch the bus, or go right to the aisle they want at the store. Installed across a city’s transport network, streets and major buildings, the app gives step-by-step guidance as soon as one steps out of the door.
Why is it needed?
Smartphone navigation is essential to city life. Waymap offers a truly inclusive, accessible solution. With Waymap, everyone can make the most of everything their city has to offer. Setting up Waymap for transport networks and cities means more people, travelling to more places, more often. Visitors, commuters and those for whom accessibility is an everyday challenge can travel with confidence.
How does it improve life?
The system and approach have been tried and tested in cities across North America and Europe. Waymap are ready to make the shared aspiration of inclusive, accessible cities a reality. Waymap plan to make every city in the world accessible to Anyone, Anywhere. They continually engage closely in global public policy. Most recently, the founders of Waymap have led the development of International and American standards for audio-based wayfinding for blind and low-vision people.