eva academy
Plataform that develop entrepreneurial skills for the development of knowledge, skills and capacitie
How does it work?
This project EV@ ACADEMY is very important to link the entrepreneur towards knowledge and training to achieve their entrepreneurship, the possibility of vinculation with different companies, mentorship and consultation in real time with experts, expose their brand and the people that integrate it, and offer them a virtual channel to sell their products and/or service.
Why is it needed?
The Global Entrepreneurship Monitor (GEM) mentions that women entrepreneurs are making a difference by constituting a vitally important component in the economy of countries and a primary support for the growth of developing countries (Allen, et al, 2008). Despite this, Latin America has the highest rate of business failures managed by women. In addition to this, there is a gender gap in entrepreneurship in a country whose population is 51% female and in which there are 10% fewer entrepreneurships are by women compared to the proportion of entrepreneurs generated by men (Power & Magnoni, 2010) . Funders and Founders (2016) state that from 2013 to 2020 of 8,000 million people, only 3,000 will have a job. Currently 1 in 19 people is an entrepreneur and 57% of them are developed by young adults aged 18 to 34, that is, according to the Global Entrepreneurship Monitor 2019/2020 the levels of initial stages of entrepreneurship increase with the young people and a decrease from 38 years
How does it improve life?
Therefore, the lack of exposure can limit the development of entrepreneurship projects that are of vital importance at present to reduce the negative effects of the economic crisis caused by the pandemic. Due to this, the presented project focuses on the creation of a friendly, simple and highly accessible platform, which is considered to be of great help to achieve interaction between enterprises and combat this great difficulty. A platform will be very useful to achieve connection with the virtual world, this will enrich their projects by bringing professional experience, attitudes, capacities, tools and aptitudes to the participants and thus achieve with greater success the development of entrepreneurship projects among the community of sectors with higher vulnerability index made up of women and youth. Grants • Impact grant from Young Leaders of the Americas Initiative from US State Department and IREX • E+I for YLAI Production Support from Arizona State University 4000 USD