Marshall Plan for Moms
a bold and sweeping piece of legislation seeking to revitalize and restore mothers in the workforce
How does it work?
Marshall Plan for Moms is a national movement to center mothers in our economic recovery from the pandemic and value their labor. We advocate for public and private sector changes to expand choices for women and to remove barriers to equality. The Marshall Plan for Moms puts forward a framework of numerous provisions that aim to help moms return to the workforce so that they can resume and advance their careers, and stop losing out on wages that are critical to their family’s economic security.
Why is it needed?
Our economy may be recovering from the pandemic, but women are being left behind. Moms are facing devastating declines in their careers and their mental health. We can’t go back to normal. For moms, “normal” wasn’t working in the first place.
How does it improve life?
The Marshall Plan for Moms calls for robust paid leave; saving our child care industry with a vision toward universal child care and early learning; investing in our education system, including broadband connections; strengthening child poverty tools such as a child tax credit and earned income tax credit; expanding unemployment insurance benefits; strong Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) benefits; a federal minimum wage increase to $15 an hour; and mental health support for moms.