Sustainable asphalt additive
How does it work?
EcoPals offers a CO2-reducing and performance-enhancing asphalt additive made from otherwise not recyclable plastics. Together with our renowned partners – the Fraunhofer Institute and the University of Kassel – we have developed a product that promotes a more sustainable road construction industry while also tackling the worldwide plastic problem. EcoFlakes increase asphalt stiffness, provide good aging properties and allow for a reduction of material used while maintaining asphalt longevity.
Why is it needed?
EcoFlakes reduce CO2 emissions in asphalt production by up to 30%. Thereby, 34 million tons of CO2 could be avoided worldwide each year – the equivalent of the ecological footprint of 8,5 million people. With EcoFlakes there are up to 30% less CO2 emissions in asphalt production. Their production process eliminates the need to produce asphalt additives with virgin plastics.
How does it improve life?
EcoPals is working towards ressource efficiency in road construction. EcoPals is promoting road construction innovations in the global south together with Nidisi, our affiliated non-governmental organisation. We do so by supporting infrastructure projects which enable people around the world to develop their potential and take over local ownership. So far, they've established 7 projects, avoided 22.000 kg of CO2 and saved 10.000 kg of plastics.