Second-life batteries for EVs and shops
How does it work?
Nunam has the technology to enable second-life batteries. Their Energy Storage Solutions are designed to be reliable, safe, connected, truly circular and good to the environment. A used battery repurposed by Nunam will have 4-5 years of extended life. After end-of-life, the battery is taken back by Nunam for recycling.
Why is it needed?
Nunam is tackling four global challenges: Access to clean energy at a lower cost, repurposing and using under-utilised batteries, fostering cleaner energy systems and mitigate hazardous e-waste through reuse.
How does it improve life?
Nunam is committed to taking care of our used battery system's entire cycle – from procurement until recollection and final recycling. Real-time data, analytics, and cloud computing helps them track the process. They want to contribute to fight climate change and improve energy access as well as inspire and help others to replicate this model. The prototype nanogrid system using Audi e-tron battery modules is currently powering 50 small shops, making it possible for the shop-owners to continue working even after dark. They've also deployed their first Nunam Energy Storage Prototypes, starting with fruit and vegetable vendors and learn more about how these systems work in the field!