A modular, life-size construction kit for the entire childhood
How does it work?
Infento is like Lego and Meccano, but life-size with one Kit providing fun for an entire childhood. It gives children a technical skill set for the future and enjoy real quality time while working on a shared goal. The modular parts allow for endless possibilities and it's a truly durable and sustainable concept. Every kit is built to last with extremely durable parts. Made from 100% recyclable aluminium and glass fibre reinforced plastic.
Why is it needed?
Kids grow very fast and you buy new toys every year. This costs a lot of money and isn't durable. Infento offers a sustainable solution, meanwhile giving kids the opportunity to develop maker skills.
How does it improve life?
The mission of Infento is to empower families to be makers instead of consumers. Inferno gives children the tools and technical skill set to become makers and bring their ideas to life.