Helps businesses charge a fair price, based on what people can afford to spend
How does it work?
Fairculator asks users about their disposable income, and then calculates a fair, progressive VAT rate for them. On current VAT rules, everyone pays the same rate, putting the greatest burden on the poor. On a progressive VAT, the poor pay less (because they spend less) and the rich more. To calculate your progressive VAT rate, Fairculator first deducts 8% from users' disposable income, which is the average monthly savings rate in the UK. Then, it applies no VAT on annual spending below £15,000, and 45% on anything beyond that.
Why is it needed?
Many people are struggling to make ends meet at the moment. That's why the designers built Fairculator. As the world approaches economic recession, the designers want to use Fairculator to make a bigger point about how to implement a fairer tax system.
How does it improve life?
Repairing the economy will be costly – let's make sure the burden is spread across society in a fair way.