Pili Seal
Pili Seal is a new product invention of sustainable aviation sealant made from the waste/spent resin
How does it work?
Pili Seal is a two-component sealant which consists of the waste of Pili Tree Resin (also known as the “spent resin") that serves as the base ingredient for aircraft integral fuel tank sealant production. This product invention is a pioneering study and revolutionary activity in the field of aviation industry that uses the waste material as the base ingredient for aviation sealant production. It is applicable for aircraft parts application including the integral fuel tank to prevent fuel leakages as well as other areas subject to contact with aircraft fuels, lubricants, oils, water and weathering. Since this is a two-component sealant, the reaction of base and hardener material are needed by mixing these two components in order for the sealant to work and function as a sealing material. After mixing it, it is important to use the spatula, spreader, or sealant gun in order to easily apply and spread it to the aircraft parts like integral fuel tank.
Why is it needed?
Pili Seal will be beneficial particularly in the field of aviation industry since the Philippines does not have any manufacturing company of aviation sealant until now. Our country only buys and imports those aviation sealants in another countries/region. For that, our ultimate goal and vision is to use this product invention as a means or gateway to have our country a manufacturing company of aviation sealant. Through this goals and vision, it can help not only the aviation sector but also our local farming community to have new streams of job opportunities & income because they will play a vital role in manufacturing this aviation sealant including the plantation of Pili Tree and extraction of its resin which is needed for sealant production. Aside from that, unlike the commercial aviation sealants in the market, this product invention offers safe & non-toxic effects to the user’s health including the mechanics & technicians since this product undergone Toxicity Test.
How does it improve life?
Since our product is made from waste material, it can help the environment in promoting the waste reduction management by upcycling this waste material rather than considering it as a trash or unusable thing. Through that, we can introduce and exhibit a new perspective that specific waste material can give new function, usage and role which is beneficial to the community especially in their livelihood opportunities. In addition, this kind of idea and action of using sustainable sealant in the different field of industry can greatly help in preventing different natural calamities like flooding, landslides or even global warming and climate change, since people will see the other benefits of the Pili Tree as a source of ingredient for the sealant production that also bring new livelihood opportunity to our local farmers. Through sharing this new product invention to the society, people will pursue more the plantation of numerous Pili Trees and through that we can promote reforestation.