A kitchen with replaceable parts to increase its lifecycle
How does it work?
Owners of the LoopKitchen can replace parts of the furniture as they become worn or broken, while Stykka reuses or recycles the parts. Owners can also trade the kitchen's old parts for new colours: the LoopKitchen is made from birch plywood and the kitchen fronts can be left in a birch finish or finished with Forbo linoleum in over 20 colours. Stykka produces the kitchen on a "print-to-order" basis, meaning only kitchens that are ordered are manufactured, which allows the brand to avoid overproduction and waste.
Why is it needed?
According to the EPA, furniture waste generated by Americans in 2017 totalled a staggering 12.2 million tons – 80.2% of it went to landfills. Part of the problem is “fast furniture” produced and sold by some of the biggest names in the furnishing and home improvement industries. These items are made using poor-quality materials and offered at prices so low that many people consider them disposable. Furthermore, the low quality and value of fast furniture mean it’s usually too expensive or difficult to repair, sell, or donate, and it‘s much more likely to end up on the curb than the more expensive, robust furniture of previous generations (rts).
How does it improve life?
With LoopKitchen, Stykka aims to redesign the way most modern kitchens are manufactured. "In order to transition to a more sustainable way of consumption we need to make products that are designed for circularity that can be repaired and hence prolong the lifespan of the products," explained Stykka to Dezeen.