A startup tackling environmental and financial waste in the health sector
How does it work?
Single-use device reprocessing is the practice of taking medical devices and subjecting them to specific processes, to make them clinically safe and suitable for reuse, despite them being labeled ‘single use’. The processes use a variety of proprietary equipment not found in hospitals, and therefore they cannot be undertaken by hospitals themselves. As a result of our work reprocessing, thousands of supposedly ‘single-use’ medical devices are no longer going to landfill after just one use: They are being safely reused, and hospitals have saved hundreds of thousands of dollars as a result.
Why is it needed?
Medsalv was started with two key goals in mind - 1, reduce the level of waste generated in the New Zealand Health System, and 2, Reduce the amount of Money New Zealand spends on Medical devices. Ultimately these two goals are core to a more financially and environmentally sustainable health system, but they are only a small part of the sustainability conversation. Looking at our work in terms of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals, we can highlight some of the other areas we are contributing to a better New Zealand. There are 17 Goals agreed upon by the United Nations and 7 of these are directly reflected in our day to day work.
How does it improve life?
The company has ambitions to prevent as much as 1700 tonnes of ‘single-use’ medical devices going to landfill each year, saving hospitals tens of millions of dollars.