Empowering brands to minimize their plastic footprint by collecting ocean bound plastic
How does it work?
Step 1: Set your collection target. Collect plastic for every sale or neutralize your footprint. From API to Shopify we’ve got you. Step 2: Reduce your plastic footprint. Our Collection Hubs start collecting and you can watch your progress with our verified tracker. Step 3: Tell the world. You're helping to keep our oceans clean, don't keep it to yourself! Share the action you're taking!
Why is it needed?
As a society we have come to depend on plastic in many aspects of our lives. Plastic is cheap and flexible. It keeps our food fresh, our clothes elastic, and our cosmetics in place. But current methods of recycling and waste management can’t keep up with the amount of plastic generated. Once it has done its job, plastic either gets burned, dumped or piled onto landfills, from where it eventually makes its way to the oceans. There is growing demand for collecting recyclable plastic, like plastic bottles, because they can be turned into new products, and so have a value. Non-recyclables accumulate because there is no economy or incentivization to motivate collection. 80% of the waste that ends up in the ocean is non-recyclable. When it finally ends up in the ocean, more than 90% sinks to depths where it can never be recovered. Non-recyclable plastics have no value and therefore are not collected.
How does it improve life?
Creating incentives and an economy for collecting non-recyclable plastic — while working toward reducing non-recyclable production at the source - is the fastest, most effective, and sustainable solution for protecting our oceans. We’re building a technology platform and community committed to the recovery of ocean bound non-recyclable plastic. We find the best methods for treating plastic in the region where it’s collected. Non-recyclables are turned into alternative fuel.