Erase All Kittens
Teaching kids to become digital superheroes
How does it work?
A revolutionary game that prepares kids aged 7-13 for 21st Century degrees and careers, by equipping them with professional digital skills A fantasy Internet Universe filled with quirky characters, strange stories, magical worlds and collectible kitten cards, to inspire even the most reluctant technophobes! So far, Erase All Kittens has 160,000 players in 170 countries and over half of them are girls. 95% want to learn more about coding after playing. E.A.K aiming to spark a lifelong interest in coding and STEM from an early age. They are also helping to close the gender digital divide on a global scale - working with tech companies, education organisations and NGOs to donate free EAK accounts to girls in underserved communities. They are showing the world that coding is for everyone.
Why is it needed?
After discovering that most children, especially girls, are put off learning to code, E.A.K set themselves a challenge to invent a way to teach meaningful digital skills to all newbies aged 8+. Skills that will allow them to build their own cool creations on the web.
How does it improve life?
The mission is to inspire and skill up the next generation. To equip children not just with the concepts of coding, but with professional digital skills - to help prepare them for 21st Century degrees and careers.