AI Technology that helps to capture and measure diversity and inclusion in a specific organisation.
How does it work?
The process is divided into four steps. Through a 4-minute pulse survey or an enterprise survey, data can be captured on an employee’s experience. Secondly, with natural language processing, it is possible to identify the most pressing areas for improvement. When pinpointed these areas, by analyzing a system based on different kinds of diversity (gender, race, ethnicity, indigenous identity, sexual orientation, mental health, and disability), Diversio provides a Recommendation Engine. Matching algorithms helps identify the best and most effective programs for the organization in question. Once data is gathered and the solutions are activated, it is possible to track progress as the workplace is in transformation. With quantitative metrics, the impact of interventions enables productivity growth and innovation.
Why is it needed?
Diversio’s main purpose is to allow a safe and inclusive environment in a workplace. With the help of AI systems, it is possible to establish and also add a rigorous and accurate diversity and inclusion strategy. Nowadays companies need to acknowledge and implement a safe working environment, and Diversio not only analyses weak features but also helps educate. What is good about Diversio is the fact that the technology goes beyond analytics and tailors concrete steps to make a difference, whilst understanding the barriers and challenges diverse employees face.
How does it improve life?
Diversion contributes to better and safer workplaces, advocating inclusion and equality. It improves life in a professional sense, by diagnosing and measuring potential pain points and correcting unconscious biased situations. This is a benchmark for future professional environments that will improve everyday interactions.