Coldbox Store
ColdBox Store is a temperature-controlled supply chain for perishable Agricultural products.
How does it work?
ColdBox Store is a temperature-controlled supply chain for perishable Agricultural products. Our priority is to ensure that farm harvests are traceable and get to the final consumers at the expected quality.
Why is it needed?
We build temperature-controlled supply chains that are sustainable in order to eliminate food waste and maintain harvest quality. At the heart of this supply chain is a network of cold storage solutions deployed in fresh produce aggregation centers. We call these cold storage solutions the Coldbox Store as each of them functions as both a cold storage solution and a fresh produce distribution center. We have systems in place for reaching out to high-value markets, aggregating their demand, and meeting this demand through farmers we work with. The farmers relying on our cold chain logistics infrastructure enables them to meet the requirements of these markets.he ColdBox store is 100% solar-powered as it has been optimized for off-grid rural environments where most small farms are located. However, they are also deployed in urban environments where electricity bills may be too expensive for farmers and vendors.
How does it improve life?
Affortable storage solutions for rural areas in remote locations.