Search Area Display
Animal instincts combined with Technology to save more lives
When a large-scaled earthquake or flood happens, often times you’ll sent search and rescue dogs to find buried survivors. However, the disaster site is often covered with debris causing wind to travel in a cone shaped path. If located in a leeward place, there is a very large chance take the wind will change the path of the scent, therefore wasting precious time searching the same area. That is why we designed “Search Area Indicator”. First, it uses 360 degrees wind pressure sensor to detect wind direction. Next, it will sent the numbers back to the instructor, showing him the places they missed on the display, and show the most possible position for the scent source. Lastly, by clicking on the target area on the display, it activates the vibration motor on the collar to give the dog direction instructions. Thus, minimizing the need for repeated search and increase accuracy and the efficiency of the search.