AI for Børns Vilkår
The AI for Børns Vilkår helps Counselors focus on empathy and needs of the child, not admin tasks.
Børns Vilkår runs a phone service (Børnetelefonen) for children of all ages. Children call/text/chat about almost everything to get help from an adult (volunteer adult). The problem is, that Børns Vilkår is not able to handle all incoming calls/texts/chats. Almost 2/3 of all conversations are left unattended, leaving over 100.000 calls/texts/chats unanswered. The AI is implemented to service the role of the counselor so that (s)he can focus more on the child. It listens in on the conversation and determines the topic. It then provides guidance material and suggestions to the counselor during the conversation, providing detailed advice when possible. After conversation ends, it sums up the conversation so that the counselor does not have to do this manually (this normally takes 4-5 minutes per conversation). In this way, the goal is to free up time for the counselor, enabling them to handle more calls.