A solarpowered portable box to provide procapita cleandrinking water and electricity at 1€/ year.
Sun4Water is a portable device composed by a solar panel, filtering unit, pump, battery, tank and electronic control. Water is pushed by the pump into the 4 stage filter where pollutants (virus, bacteria, heavy metals..) down to 0.0001 micron diametre are removed. The built-in ozonator ensures continuous compliance with WHO standards. For each hour of insolation Sun4Water sanitizes about 20 litres of water while providing extra energy to charge 4 cell phones or ONE LED lamp. Plug and play installation: open the box, lift the PV panel, press the start button! Limited Mainenance: change the two input bayonet filters (spares included in the device) when clogged. 10 year Expected lifetime of the device. Multipurpose Innovation is easy-to-use equipment filtering bacteria, virus AND pollutants while providing energy for lighting and cell phone charging. The design started in Sicily, is owned by a NGO and is based on a filter manfactured in India by a Silicon Valley Funded Partner.