Contractbook enables contract management in a fully-automated flow, reducing workload and legal risk
Traditionally, the legal industry has been reserved for lawyers. They have created and maintained a self-regulated industry, preventing others from taking part in legal work. Recently, however, clients have found that there are many functions that they can actually do themselves, let alone the tasks that machines can perform for them. Funded by investors including Bessemer Venture Partners and Gradient Ventures, Contractbook manages the entire lifecycle of contracts in one flow. The platform relies on structured data as well as automation rather than the use of gut feeling and the process of looking through an endless amount of e-mails and documents. With Contractbook you can draft contracts from scratch, use templates prepared by lawyers or questionnaire-based contract creation. Moreover, you can sign the contracts digitally, organize and store them in the cloud. As such, it becomes a seamless and transparent experience to create, track and collaborate on smart contracts.