Building systems made of recycled plastic for the developing world
Othalo has developed a patent pending technology to manufacture building systems using recycled plastic waste. The target market is the developing world where the need for affordable houses, refugee shelters, temperature controlled units for storage of food and medicines, and camps (hospitals, schools, temporary living) for disasters and emergency situations is massive. Our core customers and partners are governments and humanitarian organizations. The global need for Othalo products is large and growing. In Sub-Saharan Africa alone there is an urgent need for 160M affordable houses – expected to grow to 360M by 2050. And the plastic waste problem is a global threat that Othalo can helps solve by upcycling millions of tons of plastic trash. Othalo is an impact business, and we are on a threefold mission: Solve the housing crises, utilize plastic trash and create jobs locally. Together we will empower local communities and support economies to thrive!