A transparent module to isolate from and with co-habitants during COVID-19
The design of the COID system introduces simple, low tech modules, and that additionally provide a detachable diving bell suit for the patient to physically interact with the co-habitants while no compromisation of safety and sanitation are made. The user can not only have visual communication but also, though separated by an independence suit, move in non-isolated areas without contagion risk. The concept breaks the established impression that the "isolated person must be in an isolated space". We have adjusted the design of the isolation suit according to the needs of home life. The specially designed chest part allows users to use the items carried inside, such as mobile phones, tablets, books, or diets. Our system pursues the minimum impact on the original living space and cohabitants. Without being exposed to the public space, the patient of COID is provided with complete living functions in the form of modules. The toilet is also included. The exchange notch is designed for th