Task squad
Task Squad helps young people find paid work at companies wanting to fill short-term positions.
Task Squad helps young people find paid work at companies wanting to fill short-term positions. Task Squad is the UK's youth recruitment service powered by vInspired. We help match skilled volunteers with organisations looking to fill short term contracts. Every Task Squader hired through us is paid an hourly wage. For every hour worked, vInspired receives a nominal amount from the employer. This money is invested back into the charity's work. It goes towards offering volunteering opportunities for young people to get involved with good causes in their communities. vInspired is the nation's leading youth volunteering charity. We believe young people can change the world. So far, we've created more than one million volunteering opportunities so you can make a difference to people and places you care about. Over 150,000 14-25 year olds have used vInspired.com to volunteer with more than 3,600 charities. Task Squad fulfils the final step in the journey of thousands of young volunteers -