Dough Universe, to future inventors
Dough Universe is a children's toy range inspiring future inventors addressing all five STEAM areas.
It’s not easy getting young children to understand electronics. In fact, concepts like resistance, polarity and circuit boards are hard for most adults to grasp. But what if there were a safe, engaging way to spark the interest of young, would-be electricians? London-based educational toy company Technology Will Save Us has developed just that with a new range called Dough Universe. Founded by husband and wife duo Daniel Hirschmann and Bethany Koby, Technology Will Save Us is wholly focussed on addressing all five STEAM learning areas – science, technology, engineering, arts and mathematics – through play. As Koby puts it, “65 per cent of children currently in primary school will have jobs that don't yet exist. We believe that kids deserve toys, which will provide them with the skills that will help prepare them for the future.”