World's first gravity flushed urine-diverting toilet.
Nitrogren levels caused by sewage and the agricultural use of fertilizers threaten our planet more than rising CO2 levels, says a series of scientific studies. To solve this, eawag has developed a technology that separates wastewater into urine, faeces and greywater, which can then each be sustainably processed. their first mission was to focus on urine as it contains the most harmful nutrients on ecosystems. from micropollutants to medical residues, their small yet highly efficient decentralized reactors can be fitted domestically and aim to remove 80% of the nitrogren found in sewage. To fit the innovations into the home, EOOS has designed a urine-diverting toilet with LAUFEN, called ‘save!’ that has a ‘urine trap’ that directs urine towards a concealed outlet using only surface tension. The toilet features a ceramic bowl that is optimally shaped to guide the water flow. the result remains easy to maintain, low-tech and indistinguishable even with its high sustainable achievements.